Wednesday 8 October 2014


Those who watch the movie can know that this is an amazing and romantic love, personally I love the language of the book and how they have an strange relationship based on them pride and prejudice.
I love how they show an strange and poor family that want that those daughter got married with someone rich because they want the best for them.
Usually when you read a book and then the movie came out you hate it because they don’t adapt the book very well or they miss parts that you think that were important but this book and movie are great maybe is not the best adaptation but is the cuties one

What would you do if you are sent to a reformatory for burn a place where your boyfriend was? But the most important thing is that you’re not guilty… In that moment of your life you won’t do anything but there you know someone that could be the love of your life and there’s someone else that makes you feel like you wanna be with him.
This is a story of Lucy that know Daniel and Cam, they will fight for her love and in the way she will discover some secrets about her past and how this include angels there.
Is a funny, romantic love, those who read it say that is a mixture between Twilight and Hush Hush because it have a triangle love and angels.
We hope you like it!!

Friday 3 October 2014

The Hunt Review .- Andrew Fukuda

Hi everyone, I bring this book written by Andrew Fukuda. <3  

Don’t Sweat. Don’t Laugh. Don’t draw attention to yourself. And most of all, whatever you do, do not fall in love with one of them.
Gene is different from everyone else around him. He can’t run with lightning speed, sunlight doesn’t hurt him and he doesn’t have an unquenchable lust for blood. Gene is a human, and he knows the rules. Keep the truth a secret. It’s the only way to stay alive in a world of night—a world where humans are considered a delicacy and hunted for their blood.

When he’s chosen for a once in a lifetime opportunity to hunt the last remaining humans, Gene’s carefully constructed life begins to crumble around him. He’s thrust into the path of a girl who makes him feel things he never thought possible—and into a ruthless pack of hunters whose suspicions about his true nature are growing. Now that Gene has finally found something worth fighting for, his need to survive is stronger than ever—but is it worth the cost of his humanity?
What would you do to survive if you where one of the surviver in a society where were a few members that still exist ? How would you hide your  real nature in front of  the dominant race?

When Gene is recruit for participate in the hunt, financed for the government with the intention of find a few humans that are survivor and devour then, he should learn the art of the fight, and hide his humanity.

Don't swaet. Don´t hesitate. Don´t smile and cry. Don´t make friends. Don´t call the attetion. Never get down the guard. And the most important thing, DON´T falling in love.


Thursday 25 September 2014

thriller time!!

Hi everyone, we will show you a little review  about 2 books written by  Stephen King...

THE SHINING is a book inspired in a story based in a hotel employed that start to work to prove that he is sober because he was alcoholic. He and his family are there for a winter work but this hotel had a lot of paranormal fact, so during a storm, they think that they're alone... They're really alone?

DOCTOR SLEEP or THE SHINING #2, Stephen King returns to the characters and territory of one of his most popular novels ever, The Shining, in this instantly riveting novel about the now middle-agedand the very special twelve-year-old girl he must save from a tribe of murderous paranormals.

Shiver Saga

Maggie Stiefvater.

This is a wolf book and personally i love the cover of the books and the 'Forever' name. So in the first book our main character found a pack of wolves on her background but one of them don't try to attack her, he only look at her and then he rescue her of his pack. She want to see him again and for ten years every winter she can find it on her background.

It's a love story that break all the rules of  love and this prove that a minimum fact can save you from death.

Who is the wolf? He is in love from the girl or he only want to protect her? 

Love at first click

Love At First Click.
Elizabeth Chandler.

It's a book about a school love and family problems. The sister of the main character had a boyfriend and he is really good looking so our main character called Hayley start to fall in love with him, but everything changes when Flynn (the sister boyfriend) has a fracture and he can't play football for a while, and in that moment he know Hayley and he had feeling about her.
It's a funny, interesting and simple book you can read this very fast because the book had about 200 pages. Of course when we read the summary this leave us with some questions like Would Flynn leave Hayley's sister for her? He can play football again? What would Hayley's sister about the love that she feel for her boyfriend?

Leave a comment if you read the book and you enjoy it.

Thursday 11 September 2014


Hi we're four girls that loved reading and we want to share with you the books that we like. We hope that you enjoy our blog, Thank U <3

This is the first book of a trilogy written by Marie Lu.
June and Day have fifteen years old and they live in the same city, Los Angeles. How ever they live in different worlds because June is a privileged girl destined to take up a place on the elite of her country, but Day lives in secrecy because he thinks that the goverment is corrupt and a killer.
There is no way that their lifes could cross but one day June's brother, Metias, was killed and the first suspect is Day...

What would happend? Is Day the killer? What about June's family, what are they?

Answer this question reading this amazing book.